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Top ASP.NET Core 2.0 Features to Build Best Applications

ASP.NET Core is one of the huge cross-platform and open-source frameworks that allow the developers to build high performance and scalable web applications. The all-new ASP.NET Core 2.2 comes with the best in class elements by replacing the traditional .NET framework.

The new version comprises of .NET MVC, Web pages, Web API and SignalR to use them in one application yet individually. Due to such exceptional features, ASP.NET Core is a next-generation development platform and one of the most successful frameworks by Microsoft.

The users can make use of ASP.NET Core 2.0 with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.3. As the framework comes with the new features, in this article, we will be discussing the top used features of ASP.NET Core 2.0. Let’s get started with.


ASP.NET offers extraordinary support for using the asynchronous programming patterns. It is observed that Async is now implemented in all the common .NET framework classes and multiple third-party libraries. All of the modern applications spend most of their time and CPU cycles by waiting for the database queries, I/O operation and web service calls to get it done in an appropriate way. The Kestral frameworks and new MVC support as a strong reason behind the faster performance and extensive use of the asynchronous patterns of ASP.NET core.


Better Performance

It is better heard from all people how performance is one of the vital features for your software. And so you do not have to wait for the saying to get true as with the release of ASP.NET Core and the Kestrel web server, ASP.NET is regarded as one of the fastest web app frameworks available out there. Also, you can check TechEmpower for some cool benchmarks before trying your hands on ASP.NET Core. The redesigned version of the Kestral web server from its core helps to gain maximum benefits of asynchronous programming model be it lightweight or super fast.

Container Support with Cross-Platform

With the release of .NET Core, the developers can build ASP.NET applications and also deploy them on different operating systems be it Windows, Linux or macOS. The whole Microsft community has put loads of effort into making Linux a first-class user of the existing ASP.NET. It is seen that the containers are eating the clouds in current times. Docker, Kubernetes and various technologies are all becoming a rage. Microsoft Azure also supports the application deployment to the containers and Kubernetes.

Different Environment and Development mode

One of the interesting features of the ASP.NET Core is the new environment feature that helps you to differentiate variant parts of code easily according to the phases of the development, staging, production and much more. Before ASP.NET Core, there was no such specific way for code differentiation. Take an instance of ASP.NET Core to be used within your Startup.cs files for app configuration. For such a specific reason, you are required to display an exception page for the development phase in a detailed manner.

Different Environment and Development mode

Environments are perfect for making use of the variant CSS or Javascript files where you can use your CDN in production and the local files in the development. Have a look at the snippet ode for the Razor layout view.

Dependency Injections

This feature is regarded as one of the best features of ASP.NET Core. Also, it is heavily used within ASP.NET MVC itself for things such as logging contexts, database contexts, and other things that are transferred into your MVC controllers.

Dependency Injections

Unified MVC and Web API frameworks

Developers were making use of the MVC and Web API frameworks before ASP.NET Core because the MVC was tailored to create web applications to serve up HTML. Web APIs make use of XML or JSON to build RESTful services. In the latest version of ASP.NET Core, Microsoft has emerged all the WEb API and MVC to avoid the overlapping of both these frameworks. MVC can return JSON data rather than HTML and henceforth combining them was considered a good move to simplify the development. With the aid of ASP.NET Core, it comes with the new Razor pages for extending the MVC framework to encapsulate the controller and model aspects of a page with two-way binding. This works as a kind of replacement with WebForms for making similar use of the Razor syntax.

CSRF Protection

Security is the main aspect of these frameworks in order to prevent certain types of attacks. CSRF is coined by hijacking the authenticated session of the user when they perform an action and fails to initiate the same. For instance – when you log into your bank account and navigate a different website. Although that website can POST to your bank website for transferring the funds but it can be a bad idea. It can really harm your data if your online session is valid on the banking website but the bank does not fail to validate appropriate requests. ASP.NET is a good framework for preventing these types of attacks by generating anti-forgery tokens.

Wrap Up 

Here, we come to the end of the article. ASP.NET Core is one of the great upgradtion when compared to the previous versions. We hope you have got some good reasons to choose ASP.NET Core 2.0 version. Till then – keep learning!


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